Exploring Epilepsy Comorbidities: Addressing Co-Occurring Conditions

16th May 2024

Living with epilepsy often involves managing not only seizures but also co-occurring health conditions, known as comorbidities. These comorbidities can significantly impact the overall health and quality of life of individuals with epilepsy, presenting unique challenges and complexities in their management. In this blog post, we'll explore common comorbidities associated with epilepsy and discuss strategies…

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Category: Education

Navigating Epilepsy and Language Processing Disorders: Understanding the Connection

10th May 2024

Living with epilepsy can present various challenges, and for some individuals, these challenges extend beyond seizures to include difficulties with language processing. Language processing disorders are a common comorbidity associated with epilepsy, affecting the ability to understand, use, and interpret language effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore the connection between epilepsy and language processing…

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Category: Education

Epilepsy and Inclusive Education: Strategies for Teachers

6th February 2024

Ensuring an inclusive educational environment is vital for supporting students with epilepsy. Teachers and classroom assistants play a crucial role in creating a classroom atmosphere that accommodates the unique needs of students living with epilepsy. In this blog post, we will discuss strategies for teachers and classroom assistants to foster inclusivity, provide necessary support, and…

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Category: Advice, Education

Famous People With Epilepsy From Music, Film, and History

19th October 2022

Epilepsy is more common than most people would think. In fact, if you look into any field you will almost always find people who have epilepsy, even amongst the famous. Epilepsy has affected people for millennia so it’s not surprising to find out that many of the most famous people throughout history had epilepsy. Similarly,…

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Category: Education

A Brief History of Epilepsy

12th October 2022

There is no way to know for certain how long epilepsy and seizures have been prevalent due to the fact that there are accounts of seizures in the earliest records we have throughout history. Epilepsy has a long and storied history, throughout which it has often been misunderstood and misdiagnosed. It’s only now looking back…

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Category: Education

High Blood Pressure and Seizures

24th August 2022

There are many causes for epilepsy, ranging from head trauma and injury, to strokes and infections. Whilst late onset epilepsy has increased over the last decades, there are still between 32% and 48% of cases where the cause remains uncertain or completely unknown. There is still much to learn about epilepsy and its causes and…

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Category: Education